Madison Vi’tal
Grapes Mind Body Food
So many threads. There are so many threads I feel from which I am woven. When I was young, I wove without knowing. And now I can feel my own self, altogether, and also each thread by itself. And I can see which threads are struggling to stay intact (lost or mal function). There are some that just don’t look right (misrepresentative). And there are some that are so tightly woven that they have buried themselves beneath their neighboring threads (unseen, withheld). The process of reaching each one for newness and breath brings back stories of past times. Past times weaving. But soon, and with good patience and feel, those strings come loose and make space for the new.
Madeline Kay Wimmer, M.S.
Cold Climate Grapes
Learn the science and knowledge of grape production (viticulture) from a cold climate perspective.
Body Mind Wellness
Explore topics of wellness and mind body awareness to gain perspective on the self realization journey.
Plant Based & Wheat Free
My own recipes and favorites from others that are suited for those who have dietary restrictions, those who are vegan or plant based, and especially for those who cannot eat wheat.
Madeline Kay Wimmer, M.S.
Exploring, Experiencing, learning, and growing
A few words from Madeline…
With both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in horticulture (from the University of Wisconsin-Madison), my most professional research and topic of exploration is viticulture- cold climate viticulture in particular. The site is called Madison Vi’tal partly because I completed my education and have lived in Madison, WI for a number of years throughout my life, and partly because grapes (Vitis sp.) and vitality are two personal passions. (Hoping not to confuse folks with the Vital Records, I made it its own word/contraction).
The Grapes section is partly educational and partly entertaining. In the Body Mind Wellness section, I write about body awareness and care, as well as mindfulness explorations. This includes body massage, yoga, qi gong, meditation, and concepts pertaining character building. This website is also a place where I share beloved recipes that are both plant based and wheat free.