Poly-needling for physical relief?:

Finding joy in an accupressure Pillow routine

If you haven’t watched The Fuzz Speech yet, delivered by Gil Hedley, Ph.D., I highly recommend it (trigger warning: cadaver images involved). I first checked it out this fall after a dear teacher shared it in my community. The explanation revolutionized how I think about massage as a tool for introducing movement to fascia tissue that hasn’t moved for too long.

Also known as the “bed of nails” method, using an acupressure mat is healing method by which pressure, combined with the point of each spike pressing into different acu-points and superficial fascia regions. While there has been little research done on acupressure mats, I am one among many who have found great relief from its use.

This series of photos and captions are relevant to my own personal routine using only the pillow, not the mat (the pillow comes with most mats). Clothing can be recommended- it depends on the body region and desired pressure. My recommendation is to go slow and find the right pressure for you. Do not push hard around the joints if at all. Any time you’re not comfortable with what you’re doing, stop.